Want to Volunteer? 

Each year, 40-60 volunteers serve at His Hill. All of our volunteers desire to share Christ’s life and have demonstrated a love for our Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with God’s Word.

Staff Training: May 26, 2024 | 5:30 PM
Last day of campers: August 9th, 2024

Volunter Information
Junior Volunteer Information

All volunteers must complete the following:

Medical Form


After completing the application, please send the following reference form link to your three references. Two references are required for returning volunteers.
Reference Form


Volunteer Positions

Each volunteer plays an important role at His Hill. Read about these positions below.



Our Counselors function as the primary caregivers for campers during their stay at His Hill Ranch Camp.  Although being a counselor can be demanding physically, emotionally, and spiritually, Christ uses these circumstances to teach us dependence on Him.



Our media team is responsible for documenting all aspects of camp through photography and (limited) videography in order for campers to be reminded for years to come of how Christ worked in their lives at camp. Responsibilities include daily uploading of photos, weekly media slideshow productions, chapel audio recording, dishwashing, camper interaction, and camper supervision.


Special Activity Director (S.A.D.)

Our Special Activity Director(s) are all about the FUN of camp! The purpose of our SAD program is to provide a platform for counselors to build relationships with campers through shared experience in order that they may have a greater opportunity to communicate the person of Christ to campers.


Camp Health Officer

Our Camp Health Officer (CHO) must be a physician, RN, LVN, or a person with an American Red Cross EMR certificate or its equivalent. The CHO is on call 24 hours a day for all medical needs: first aid or medicinal. As campers may be discouraged due to injury, sickness, or homesickness, the CHO will spend significant time encouraging campers to trust Christ in where He has them.


Wrangler Assistant

Members of this team facilitate trail rides and other activities involving direct interaction with campers and horses. They’ll gain both personal experience on horseback riding and teaching experience while also gaining perspective in how to relate horseback riding to one’s walk with Christ.


Snack Bar Manager

Nothing gets campers moving like the choices of the snack bar! The snack bar manager oversees the management of camper and staff accounts throughout the week, keeping inventory supply, and most importantly interacting face to face with campers with joy and patience.


Office Assistant

Our office assistant helps manage and facilitate the daily functions of camp under the leadership of the Camp Secretary. The position consists of parental interaction and office clerical work but still has plenty of involvement during camper activities and discipleship in the support staff.


Jr. Staff Volunteers

Our junior staff allows the camp to look, feel, and run as great as it does! This program provides an opportunity for young adults ages 15-17 to volunteer through the following positions: Housekeeping assistant, Kitchen Assistant, or Maintenance Assistant. While practicing hands-on service, these volunteers will also be in an ideal environment to grow spiritually through chapels, living in a community, and serving alongside others. Junior staff typically serve no more than two weeks during the summer.