Waldo Photos
Free Online Gallery
The join code will be emailed to you!
Sign Up for Waldo Facial Recognition
Please note: Photos are uploaded around 4:00 PM daily
Waldo is a photo delivery service where you can get all the photos of your camper delivered straight to your phone! No more searching for photos of your camper!
This optional service uses facial recognition to match your camper’s face to photos in our album, and then sends them to your phone via the Waldo app with notifications when new photos are found. Only one parent enrolls per camper. You can then share photos with as many other family members as you’d like! Please note: The Waldo app is only available for those who pay the $14.99 facial recognition fee.

$14.99 per camper
$10 for a second week of camp/second camper
50% goes straight to our volunteer staff fund!
What you get:
- Facial recognition for 1 camper + access to save all of the photos to your phone
- Automatically creates a separate album with photos of your camper
- Invite 6 family members to view photos on the Waldo app
Enroll with your phone or computer:
Once you’re registered for camp we will email you instructions & the sign up code 2 weeks prior to arrival.

The other method:
If you prefer to search for photos yourself, visit our free photo gallery: waldophotos.com/galleries.
You will need the join code from the email we send you.
You will have the option to buy the photos individually if you choose to not pay the $14.99. The cost to download is $0.99 per photo if you choose this method.
Day Camp Parents
Waldo facial recognition and the mobile app are available for day camp at $4.99 per camper!
Or, you may view photos through the gallery at waldophotos.com/galleries. Enter the join code that was emailed to you.
Photos are available in the gallery for purchase for $0.99 each.
Need Help?
Email [email protected] any time you have a question!
How does Waldo work
You submit a clear photo of your camper’s face and enroll in the service. Waldo does the rest – matching that photo to all the photos in our camp album and sending you all YOUR camper’s photos to your phone via the Waldo app.
How do I sign up?
Text the join code to: 735-343
Look for the join code you received via email. If you didn’t receive it, please contact our office at 830-995-3388.
Where do I LogIn?
You actually do not have a login anywhere for Waldo. To view the photos, you can sign up for the optional service by texting in the join code, and then view the photos in the Waldo app.
I have used Waldo before, do I need to sign up again?
We are so glad you chose to use Waldo again to find your photos! Each year, you will need to enroll again following the same steps: by texting in the new join code to the number and following the prompts. You will be prompted for a new photo of your camper so the most recent photo will be in place. While in the Waldo app, you will still be able to see all past photos you have received from Waldo.
Will I get to see all the camp photos in addition to the ones of my camper?
Yes you will! When you download the free Waldo app, you can toggle between “Matched Photos” and “All Photos”. To see all the camp photos, just click on “All Photos” and scroll to your heart’s desire.
Can I easily share all the photos with my family?
Great news for you! The Waldo app allows you to invite up to 6 family members to your camper’s photo stream. That means they can get the same photo alerts and see all your camper’s photos, too.
Can I see photos for free?
You betcha. While Waldo loves to find and send you photos, he also provides a free web gallery for you to view the photos online. You can view, download, and share photos from the free web gallery. You can find it here: https://waldo.photos/galleries. (you’ll need the join code that we emailed you)
I signed up for the service but I’m not getting any matches yet.
No photos can mean a couple things: 1) There are no photos of your camper yet in the album or 2) Your camper’s submitted selfie is blurry, dark, or unclear and Waldo is having a hard time matching it. Email [email protected] for quick help or replace your camper’s photo inside the Waldo app.
Will Waldo share my selfie or matched photos with the world?
No way! Waldo respects your privacy! Your photos will only be accessible by you. (And you had to enter your camp join code and a pin code verification to even access the photos.) It’s up to you whether you want to share your photos with the world.
Can I sign up after camp?
Yep! Although we highly recommend signing up before camp to enjoy all the features (such as the immediate notifications), you can sign up after your child returns home. The view will be the same, you’ll still get matches sent to you, and you will be able to download all of the photos.