Elementary Overnight Camp

“Children are a blessing from the Lord” (Psalm 127:3)

We want to teach children how to walk by faith in their relationship with Christ while enjoying a safe, fun-filled week at camp! Through chapel sessions, meal times, activities, and more, our staff team want kids to know the love of God through our simplicity and purity of devotion to Jesus. It’s our privilege and joy to walk alongside parents in developing campers into mature and faithful children of Christ. The week is filled with activities such as high ropes course, canoeing, horseback riding, archery, riflery, and more, as well as chapel and cabin devotions in the mornings and evenings.

His Hill also provides a day camp for elementary aged children (ages 6-9).
Click here to learn more!




  • Ages 8-12
  • 8 to 1 camper to counselor ratio
  • Two daily cabin Bible devotion times
  • Two daily chapels with music, teaching, and memory verses
  • Request 6 of our 8 scheduled activities
  • Daily snack & swim time
  • Camp wide games every evening
  • Weekly themes
  • Screened in cabins sleeping 8-12
  • Discounts are available (early registration, bring a friend, sibling, & multi-week)

2024 Dates & Rates

Cost: $595.00

Week 1
June 16th – 21st

Week 2
June 23rd – 28th

Week 3
$495 for the week!

June 30th – July 5th

Week 4
July 7th – 12th


Register Now




Our photographers work hard to make sure they capture how much fun your children are having at camp! We use Waldo Photos which offers optional facial recognition to match your camper’s face to photos in our album, which then sends directly to your phone.



When registering online you'll have the opportunity to select the top six preferred activities for your camper. They will have the chance to improve at each activity during their week of camp as they get to participate in their activities twice! Read more on our activities page.



Camp is better with friends! Request specific friends to be in your cabin on your camper's application. While we try to honor roommate requests, we cannot guarantee all requests will be met. All roommate requests must be mutual. Give us a call if you have immediate questions!


Time in God’s Word


Every day campers have the opportunity to sing, discover, and learn together of Christ in our chapels in the morning and the evening. Counselors and summer staff lead our campers in song, praising the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness in fun-filled and revenant worship songs. At His Hill Ranch Camp, we desire to lead all campers to Christ as the source of eternal life and the means for the Christian life through verse-by-verse teaching by our resident staff team.

During our chapel times, we specifically want to devote time to memorizing God’s word, as the Psalmist writes, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11). These verses are prayerfully chosen, not to be another “good thing” we do, but that His word would remind us of that truth in all our day by day activities.


Every morning and evening each cabin will open God’s word together and learn of Christ through counselor led devotions. The purpose of these times is to know Christ in His word in a deeper way while giving an opportunity to the campers to share their joys and struggles in their personal lives. Each counselor is encouraged to also share truth through God’s word that has been specifically transformative in their personal lives.


Sample Day

7:30 – Rise and Shine
8:00 – Breakfast
8:30 – Devotions as a Cabin
9:10 – Chapel Time
10:05 – Activity 1
11:20 – Activity 2
12:30 – Lunch
1:15 – Quiet Time as a Cabin
2:45 – Snack and Swim
4:10 – Activity 3
5:30 – Supper
6:15 – Chapel Time
7:15 – Special Activity
8:30 – Snack Bar and Cabin Time
9:10 – Devotions as a Cabin / Shower
10:15 – Lights Out


Health & Safety

Camp Health Officer

Our Camp Health Officers (CHO) are overseen by a physician, RN, LVN, or a person with an American Red Cross EMR certificate or its equivalent. The CHO is on call 24 hours a day for all medical needs: first aid or medicinal. As campers may be discouraged due to injury, sickness, or homesickness, the CHO will spend significant time encouraging campers to trust Christ in where He has them.

Medication collection and distribution

A medication distribution schedule must be specified during the online registration. The camp health officer will be available to collect all medications during Sunday’s registration. Please view our Guide to Camper Medications document if you’re thinking of sending medications/vitamins/supplements with your camper.



Check-in begins at 6:00/6:30 PM on Sunday. Families will be emailed their check-in & drop-off time 1 week prior to camp. Upon arrival, you will be greeted in your car by our staff, who will check-in your camper(s), help with luggage, and assist in directing you to your child’s cabin. Feel free to see our nurse for medication drop-off and our mail bins for mail distribution throughout the week, both located under the Ark overhang.


While Here

From Sunday through Friday, we load up our schedule with events and activities that create awesome moments and memories while here at camp. Each day consists of two chapel times, two cabin devotion times, three activities, snack & swim, a camp-wide game, and a themed skit from the special activity team. Our prayer is that campers will see Christ in everything we do—whether it be cabin devotions, singing in chapel, or encouraging someone up the climbing wall for the first time.



Pick-up is at 6:30 PM on Friday evening, starting with Closing Ceremonies in our gym! During this time we will sing songs, show a short video of the week, and make some announcements. Families will have the opportunity to chat and fellowship with our counselors. Camper medications may be picked up at this time, and souvenirs will also be available for purchase.