Support us in Ministry
His Hill relies on the donations we receive from past students, staff, and ministry friends.
Thank you to all who faithfully give! We are truly grateful for your generosity.
His Hill is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and charitable organization. We give tax-deductible receipts to U.S. donors.
Current Needs
Give By Check (preferred)
Make payable to “His Hill” and indicate on the memo line which fund (listed below) you would like to give towards. You may also set up automatic bill pay with your bank.
If giving to a specific staff member, attach a note and do not write on the memo line.
His Hill
Attn: Business Department
P.O. Box 9
Comfort, TX 78013
Tax Receipt
A tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the month in which you gave. If you have any questions, give us a call. Thank you for supporting us in ministry!
Current Needs
General Fund
This fund is designated towards the general operating expenses at His Hill.
Staff Fund
Our resident staff are encouraged to raise personal support while serving at His Hill. You can give towards our general staff fund (which is divided among all the staff), or to specific staff members. Please indicate your desire on an attached note.
Student Scholarship Fund
Each year, many students need financial assistance to continue their school year. 100% of your contribution goes towards students in need.
Scholarship Camp Fund
Two weeks of camp are offered each summer to underprivileged boys and girls. Your gift to this fund will help kids come to camp who would have never been able to attend otherwise.
Summer Volunteer Fund
Our summer volunteers are not paid. Anything received into this fund is divided among the summer staff to help with their travel expenses.