Frequently Asked Questions
If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for below, please feel free to contact our office.
When is drop off/pick up?
Families will be emailed their check-in time one week before camp. These times are determined based on the registration date (on a first-come, first-served basis).
Camper drop-off is on Sunday at 6:00 and 6:30 PM at camp. Dinner is not provided.
After arriving, please stay in your vehicle, and our excellent registration team will check in your camper(s), help with luggage, and direct you to your camper(s) cabin.
Pick up is on Friday at 6:30 PM in our gym (located across from the horse barn), starting with our Closing Ceremony! During this time, we will sing some camp songs, show a short video of the week, and make some announcements. The program is approximately 30 minutes. Families will have the opportunity to chat and fellowship with our counselors. Camper medications may be picked up, and souvenirs will also be available. After the program, you will go with your camper to camp to pick up their luggage.
Camper Code of Conduct
His Hill Ranch Camp Code of Conduct
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us.”
Ephesians 5:1-2
Our desire at His Hill Ranch Camp is to provide a safe, nourishing, fun environment for people of all ages to come and be encouraged in who God has made them while growing in what it means to have a living relationship with Jesus Christ. By attending camp, the camper and parents/guardians agree that the camper will abide by these rules.
The following are not allowed at camp:
- Bullying of any kind, gossip, malicious teasing.
- Use or possession of Alcohol, Drugs, or Tobacco (including vaping).
- Possession of knives or firearms (including fireworks).
- Keeping any medication or over-the-counter drug in one’s possession.
- Negative or disrespectful behavior, or defiance of authority
- Foul Language or inappropriate conversation.
- Stealing / Lying.
- Any inappropriate or sexual touch.
- Leaving (or attempting to leave) His Hill property without permission.
- Destruction or defacing of property.
- Campers are expected to follow all safety instructions and regulations.
- If a camper is having a problem with someone else at camp, they MUST inform a staff member. We cannot help resolve the situation if we’re unaware that the situation exists.
- Abusive (physical or sexual) or defiant behavior will not be tolerated. If a camper repeatedly refuses to abide by His Hill’s standards, they will be sent home.
- Campers are expected to follow all safety rules and regulations given for each activity they participate in while at camp.
- We expect all campers to have FUN at camp, but not at the expense of others.
- If a camper observes someone breaking the Code of Conduct, they must immediately notify the Camp Director or another staff member.
Violation of the CODE OF CONDUCT can be grounds for automatic dismissal. When a camper is dismissed from the program, refunds are not given.
How much does camp cost?
Overnight Camp – $620
High School Week – $640
Day Camp – $315
What discounts are available?
Early Bird Discount – Receive $25 off when you register for camp by the end of February!
Bring a Friend Discount – $50 off camp for each friend you invite to camp for the first time.
• One discount per person – multiple people may not request the same camper.
• If two first-time campers request one another for the discount, both will receive $25 off if both request one another within a week.
• Discount will be approved by His Hill.
• To request a friend, write their name(s) in the Camper Profile Sheet when registering online.
• Discount does not apply for Day Camp
– Call our main office with any questions you may have.
Sibling Discount – $50 off each additional sibling attending Overnight weeks (does not apply for Day Camp)
Multi-Week Discount – Receive $50 off when you register your camper for multiple weeks of overnight camp during the summer.
Which week can my child attend camp?
What ages are allowed to come to camp?
Overnight Camp: 8-18 years old, but there are a few exceptions. If the camper will turn the minimum age of a given week by September 1st of the same year, they may register for that week. For example: If a camper is 7 years old and will turn 8 before September 1st, they can come to Elementary Overnight Camp! Please call our main office if your camper falls into this situation.
Day Camp: Ages 6-9
Can my camper request a roommate? How many requests can be made?
Yes, requests must be mutual, and campers may not be more than one year apart in age. You may request up to two roommates. We do not guarantee roommate requests, although we try our best to put friends together. One of the real benefits of camp is meeting and making new friends from different places! Encourage your camper to get to know new people during their time at camp.
* Please email or call 830-995-3388 if you would like to change your camper’s cabin roommate request.
What are the cabins like?
Rustic, screened-in cabins with 4-5 bunk beds. There is no air conditioning, so we encourage you to bring a fan for your camper. The average fan-size campers tend to bring is about 12 inches in diameter (clip-on fans work, too) or a 1-2 ft box fan. We also suggest bringing an extension cord to plug fans in.
Since the cabins have shutters with screens, the nights are generally cool. Campers commonly bring sheets and blankets, but sleeping bags also work well.
The cabins do not have bathrooms; they are located in our Ark dorm, a short distance away.
How many campers/counselors are in a cabin?
Cabins house 7-10 campers. We have an 8:1 camper-to-counselor ratio in the cabins (although it’s common to have two counselors in a cabin of campers). Campers are always in the presence of a summer staff volunteer and never alone with a counselor at any given time. Please call our office if you have more specific questions about how we accommodate this ratio.
How can I get in touch with my camper while they're in camp?
You may call the main office (830-995-3388) and our team will help you.
What activities are available for the campers?
During registration, you’ll see a list of 9 activities for your camper to choose from in order of preference. Activities are given on a first-come, first-serve basis, and activity choices are not guaranteed. If campers do not select activities two weeks prior to their arrival, we will select them for them.
Activities include Tower Challenge, Swimming, Canoeing, Horseback riding, Crafts, Game On, Low Elements, Riflery, and Archery.
Campers attending High School Week and Day Camp do not need to choose activity selections.
Does His Hill accommodate food allergies and/or dietary needs?
The His Hill kitchen is not a gluten-free kitchen. We are unable to personally provide food to accommodate dietary needs such as lactose/gluten intolerance. We do, however, allow parents to provide cooked, clearly labeled food, and our Kitchen Manager will gladly reheat the food to serve your camper. We appreciate your cooperation! Please get in touch with us with specific questions or requests.
What do I do if my camper needs to take medications during camp?
Before arrival, recent broken bones, limited activity, medical conditions, allergies, and the like must be discussed with camp staff to determine if they will affect your camper’s ability to participate in our regular camp program. You may speak with our Camp Health Officer at check-in to discuss any specific needs or medication your camper takes. Camper medication (prescription and non-prescription, including pain relievers (Advil, Tylenol, creams, etc.) must be in the original bottle and given to the Camp Health Officer at Sunday registration. The Camp Health Officer administers all medication unless otherwise authorized by a practicing physician. The Camp Health Officer is on duty 24 hours a day. For serious, campers are taken to the Boerne Methodist Medical Emergency Center.
To best serve all campers that attend each week, His Hill Ranch Camp cannot provide care for Type 1 Diabetes.
His Hill Ranch Camp’s infirmary provides over-the-counter medication to campers if needed (such as adult and children’s Benadryl, ibuprofen, antihistamines, ear drops, Miralax, hydrocortisone cream, etc.). Please see our medication guideline policy for more details about sending medications.
His Hill Ranch Camp does not take children with lice. If lice or nits are found on a camper during the week, we will contact the parent to arrange for the child to be picked up from camp. This policy is for the consideration and well-being of everyone attending His Hill Ranch Camp.
In case of an emergency: You may reach a staff member at any time by calling (830) 995-3388
How much money for snack bar?
$30-$40. Any remaining balance can be claimed at the closing ceremony. Unclaimed balances are donated entirely to our summer staff volunteer fund.
Campers order from the snack bar one or two times a day except Fridays. Thursday afternoon is the last time for campers to purchase snacks. Families are not able to track their campers’ weekly spending online, but they may call the office to ask for their campers’ snack bar balance and expenditures.
The snack bar includes ice cream, candy, chips, soft pretzels, various drinks, etc.
How do I send mail to my camper?
You’re welcome to bring letters and packages for your camper to receive during the week when you come to drop-off on Sunday night. Please ensure your camper’s name is clearly written on the envelope/package, and the day of the week you’d like them to receive it (Mon-Fri). We will direct you to our designated mail bin drop off area on Sunday evening at check-in. Mail is distributed at lunch each day.
Families may send letters/packages in the mail to their campers during the week, but we recommend bringing the letters/packages to check-in to ensure your camper will receive it (they don’t always come on time through the mail)!
Stamps are available for purchase at our snack bar throughout the week. Young campers may have difficulty writing your address; please consider sending pre-addressed envelopes for them to use:
To mail letters/packages to camp:
USPS mailing address: P. O. Box 9, Comfort, Texas 78013
Physical address: 102 Mill Dam Road, Comfort, Texas 78013 (when using UPS/Amazon)
How long has His Hill been a camp?
1976 was our first summer!
Where are you located?
Two miles off of I-10 in Comfort—about 35 minutes West of The Rim in San Antonio.
Should my camper eat dinner before coming to Sunday's registration?
Yes. We will not provide dinner on Sunday evening. There will be a snack time later in the evening. Some dinner options in Comfort include: Fajita St., McDonalds, Subway, Chicken Express, and Dairy Queen.
Will my camper eat dinner on Friday?
Yes! We provide dinner for all campers before our closing ceremony.
How do I switch my campers' week of camp?
If you need to switch your week of camp, please contact our office at 830-995-3388. If space is available, we can make the change.
How do you hire staff?
Volunteers mainly consist of our Bible School students (or an affiliated Bible School) whom we have known for at least nine months. All summer staff must complete an application that includes a background check and multiple references.
Cancelation Policy?
Cancellations made one week before arrival will receive a full refund minus the $100 deposit. Canceling within one week of arrival will forfeit the entire camp fee unless another camper fills the vacancy. If a camper is removed from His Hill due to breaking our code of conduct, there will be no refund. Campers leaving His Hill early during their week of camp will not receive a refund.
Lost & Found?
There will be a lost and found table at the closing program. Contact us if you forgot anything. Unclaimed items will be donated one week after their week of camp.
What should my child pack for overnight weeks?
Please label belongings
- A backpack that has the following: water bottle, Bible, notebook & pen, and sunscreen
- Fitted sheet (twin size) and blanket, or sleeping bag
- Pillow
- Fan (size suggestion 1-2 ft) – no AC in cabins
- Small extension cord (recommended for the fans in order to reach the bottom outlets)
- Towel(s) (for shower and pool)
- Toiletries
- Swimsuit (a solid modest one piece for girls)
- T-shirts, tank tops (no spaghetti straps for girls)
- Shorts
- Long pants for horseback riding
- Sweatshirt or long-sleeve(s)
- Clothes that can get dirty
- Hat (optional)
- Closed-toed shoes
- Flip-flops/sandals/shower shoes
- Water shoes (optional)
- Flashlight
- Laundry bag
- Bug repellant (optional)
- Pre-addressed, stamped envelopes to write home (optional)
- Items not allowed at camp: cellphones, smartwatches, digital/disposable cameras, video recording devices, headphones, expensive jewelry, cash. Please do not bring anything you would miss if it were to get lost.
What should my camper NOT bring?
Cellphones, smartwatches, video recording devices, headphones, and expensive jewelry are prohibited at camp. Please do not bring anything you would miss if it were lost.